Friday, July 19, 2013

Natural Ways to Clear Constipation

Do you feel bloated most of the times? Does it take a lot of effort to pass a stool? Do you usually pass a hard stool? Is the frequency of your bowel moment less than twice a week? If your answer is “Yes” to all these questions then you are facing the problem of constipation.

Constipation is not a very serious illness but if not cured it can cause problems like hemorrhoids (piles), rectal prolapse, insomnia, depression, hernia, obesity, indigestion, body odor, varicose vein fecal impaction and bowel perforation. People with constipation also feel a lack of energy.

It is also important to understand what could be the cause of this problem. Diabetes, colon cancer, Parkinson’s disease, pregnancy, irritable bowel syndrome and thyroid problems can cause constipation. Even lack of exercise and physical movement may contribute to the problem. Above all, the most important factor causing this problem is our diet; taking less fiber and fluids can play a major role in developing the problem. Refined products can also aggravate the problem.

So if you want to have a healthy and active body it is important that you get rid of the constipation. How you can do that? It’s simple! Here are some remedies straight from your kitchen, all including some natural ingredients that will aid you to get rid of this problem without any side effects.

Psyllium Husk

Psyllium husk is an age old remedy for treating constipation. It is extensively used to relieve the problem of constipation, especially in the Southeast Asian countries. It contains the essential dietary fibers that are required by the body to promote digestion and regulate the bowel movement.

The use of psyllium husk comes with an added advantage, it has shown some promising benefits for diabetes, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome and it also lowers bad cholesterol.

Take one tablespoon of the husk with a glass of warm water or milk empty stomach, early in the morning. You can take it twice a day i.e. one tablespoon in the morning and one tablespoon before going to bed, for better results. It is suggested not to take the husk without any fluids.


Date is a fruit rich in dietary fibers and is known for its laxative properties. To get its benefits for constipation, soak 5 to 6 six dates in water and leave them over night. Consume these dates empty stomach in the morning, your problem would be relieved.


A hand full of raisins every day can help keep the constipation away. The tartaric acid found in raisins is very beneficial for promoting healthy digestion. When you consume raisins, the fiber present in them absorbs water and swells; as a result constipation is relieved. For best results take a handful, 1 hour after your meal with plenty of water.


Remove the skin of an apple and cut them into pieces. Boil it in half a cup of water and make puree. Eat it in the morning, empty stomach for a month. You can consume it hot or cold any way you like. The fiber-rich apples are very effective in treating constipation.


As mentioned earlier lack of fluid intake can cause constipation as well. Make it your habit to drink at least 8 glasses water in a day. Water keeps the intestine moist, which helps the waste material to slip out.
Honey works as a natural laxative. All you need to do is take a tablespoon full of honey in the warm water empty stomach, early in the morning. You can take it twice a day for better results.

Whole Grains
Lack of fiber in the diet can cause serious constipation problems. So it’s about time you switch from refined products such as white flour and processed cereals to whole grains such as wheat bread and high fiber cereals. Also switch from white rice to brown rice, as it contains more fiber contents necessary for regulating bowel movement. Your diet should contain at least 6 ounces of whole-grains.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the source of natural fiber that can cure the problem of constipation. Take at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Your diet should have fruits like bananas, apples, peaches, apricots, grapes , pears, oranges and berries to cure the problem. The vegetables that should be a part of your diet, to treat constipation are spinach, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and cauliflower.

Olive Oil

A teaspoon full of extra virgin olive oil, empty stomach in the morning can treat your constipation problem. Olive oil works as a natural laxative and can help lubricate your intestines; as a result constipation is relieved. You can also use olive oil in your salad dressing to get the benefits.

Besides following these remedies you should also try to add some sort of physical activity to your routine, as it has been proved that physically inactive people are more prone to develop the problem of constipation.

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