Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Foods for Weight Gain in a Healthy Way

For many of us, especially those into certain types of sports, or weight training and body building, there will probably come a time when we’re required to bulk up and gain some good quality weight. One common problem that people seem to make again and again, is thinking that they can eat what they want, drink what they want, in as many vast quantities as they want, and “turn the fat into muscle” by working out. Let me put this to bed right now. If you believe that you can turn fat into muscle, you’re WRONG! Fat does not suddenly change into muscle because you happen to lift weights, just like muscle doesn't miraculously change into fat, if you stop lifting weights. Fat is fat, and muscle is muscle. You can gain and lose both of these things, but you cannot turn one into the other, despite what certain so called “experts” may tell you. Opinions are like noses, everybody’s got one (except lord Voldermort), but just because somebody may tell you something, it doesn't make it true.

If you’re looking at bulking up and gaining some decent quality muscle, then this article is what you need. In it we’ll be looking at a few easy and extremely effective ways that you can bulk up, and add some pounds and muscle to your frames.

Eat, eat, and eat (the right foods!) -

You may think this comes across as slightly contradictory, given what we said earlier about gaining fat, but hear us out. In order to bulk up and build some good quality muscle, you need to be taking in more calories than you’re burning. It’s that simple. Where these calories come from however, is another matter. Rather than gorging on fast food and candy, stick to wholesome foods such as lean meats, rice, pastas, and get your fats from healthy sources, such as oily fish, olive oil, or avocado. Make sure you get plenty of fiber from fruits and vegetables, as these are just generally healthy for you anyways. As well as this, you need to be training in the gym and working out hard. This brings us to our next example.

Hit the gym! –

If you want to bulk up, you need to be willing to put the hard work in, in the gym itself. You can’t expect to eat more calories than you burn off, and still build muscle, without lifting a weight or working out. You need to get your training right, and really push yourself. Forget what people say about lifting heavy weight in order to bulk up. Lift a weight that tests you, but which allows you to complete 8 – 12 reps before beginning to struggle. A few cheat reps at the end of those 8 – 12 reps, or a bit of rest-pause technique won’t hurt. But if you’re struggling with one or two reps, the weight is too heavy, it’s that simple. One rep maxes are great for strength building, as well as showing off, but they will not work your muscles enough to build muscle.

Don’t be afraid of gaining fat –

One common problem that many bodybuilders make, is complaining they’re not big enough, yet being afraid of losing their abs for a month or two over the winter. If you want a six pack all year long, then you’re going to struggle to bulk up. It can be done, but often with the aid of certain *ahem substances, and with a vast array of knowledge and experience. For most people, you’re just going to have to face the fact that your abs will disappear, and your body fat % will rise by a few digits. So what? Finish your bulk, add muscle to your frame, and diet down for the summer, and show off your ripped muscular body, now sporting an extra few pounds of solid muscle.

Switch up your diet –

Bulking up and gaining weight (preferably muscle) is not particularly easy, and will take time. Because of this, it’s important you switch up your diets every so often, in order to give yourself some variety, and to shock your body now and then, to prevent it from becoming complacent. If you eat two chicken breasts, a cup of rice, some nuts, and some green beans for every meal, every single day for the next three months or so, you’re going to feel like strangling somebody after a month or so. This may sound extreme, but some people actually follow diets like this. Instead, you should look at getting your macros in, hitting your caloric, protein, carbohydrates, and fat targets, in a variety of different and delicious meals. Switch things up, be creative, experiment, that’s the joy of bulking up in what many bodybuilders call an “off season”. You can afford to mix things up slightly, as long as you’re hitting your targets, and working out, you’re going to build muscle.

Have a cheat meal now and then –

Even if you’re the strictest person in the world, you should still make an effort to reward yourself now and then, and have a treat meal occasionally. Some trainers recommend them every week, others fortnightly, others monthly. Our advice to you is to do what makes you happy. If your family of partner suggests going out for a meal one evening, don’t turn your nose up at the idea, for risk of “losing your gains”, it’s nonsense. One meal during your off season will not hinder your progress, and will actually help to keep you sane. One cheat meal a week will not do you any harm! In fact, it can be beneficial. If you know you get a reward at the end of the week, you’re less likely to cheat on your diet during the week.

Essential Nutrients For Underweight People

A vast majority of people in the world want to lose weight. We all would like to be at least 2 sizes less than we are at the moment. However, there are people who are seriously underweight and need to gain weight. Although such people are in the minority, they do exist. Nutrients for underweight people can thus help you to gain weight and strength at the same time.

Now you will wonder, why break your head in nutrients for underweight people? It is not at all hard to gain weight. All you have to do is be on a diet of junk food for a few months and you will be nicely plumped up. But unhealthy food will not give you the nutrients for underweight that are essential. You may gain weight by this method, but you still suffer from malnutrition.

So here are some nutrients for underweight people that can lead to healthy weight gain.

It is best for you to gain weight by having proteins. This ensures that you have less fat percentage and more of muscle mass. You can get healthy lean proteins from salmon and other sea fish like tuna. You can supplement it with vegan proteins like skimmed milk. Also have energy rich proteins like peanut butter.

Good Cholesterol
Your body needs some amount of cholesterol to gain weight. Heart healthy good cholesterol is one of the main nutrients for underweight people. So have lots of grilled fish and raw eggs. Eggs are essential for people suffering from malnutrition because it packs a punch of all the essential nutrients. You can also munch on nuts to get Omega-3 fatty acids.

Complex Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates basically mean energy. And when you are underweight you also need some amount of energy. Crabs break up into sugars and give your body energy. The excess sugars are stored as fats. Complex carbs are not fatty food. So have granola, bagels and quinoa. You can also indulge in rice and wheat since you are underweight.

We always think that fats are unhealthy. But your body needs fats too. That is why fatty foods are essential nutrients for underweight people. You can indulge in pure butter and cheese to put on weight. Ghee or clarified butter also strengthens your body from within.

These are the best nutrients for underweight people.

How to eat less overall … by eating more protein

Appropriate reason for people to include more protein in their diet especially during breakfast is to retain the feeling of being full and satisfied with the food at least until it is time for lunch; additionally it is also found in study that they also will squash any feeling of going with snacks during late nights. Apart from this there also are various other reasons which will point to the fact as to why these proteins are such necessary and important ingredients among various other nutrients for the body.

Unlike fat or carbohydrates it is these proteins which are known to give a feeling of being full and also help in building and retaining the muscle mass which are good enough reasons to force on targeting the inclusion of proteins in meals.
One of the best other reasons for proteins is that they stay much longer with the body in having a grip on the hunger from one meal to the other while other meals which are full of higher carbs will not support body in this aspect.

It is being suggested that going with the breakfast which has higher protein content is known not only have a grip on the appetite till it is time for next meal at the same time it is known to lessen chances of unhealthy snacking at evenings.

It has been observed that it is the adolescents who are found to skip breakfast mostly which is the main reason to have helped in putting on additional weight which was found through research, further survey also has state that there sure are differences in the appetite, hunger pangs between meals, snacks in evening and craving for food among those who have purely not included any breakfast, included only partial proteins and filled their breakfast with proteins on daily basis.

All those who are found to have indulged in breakfast hat had several proteins is said to have lessened the brain activity which indulges in craving for food thereby avoiding any temptation for higher fat foods after dinner.

Some of the meals which are known to help in increasing the protein intakes in breakfast include:

• Protein shake which is made with no fat milk, since this milk is said to provide the body with 10 grams of protein and the protein powder is said to increase the intake of protein to the body in this protein shake.
• Salad prepared with fruits, almonds and portion of non-fat cottage cheese.
• Omlette made with 4 egg whites or 2 whole eggs are sufficient which are filled with veggies and mozzarella cheese is also best source of proteins for body.
• Cooked oats in non-fat milk which are accompanied by protein powder served with topping of almond butter.
• 3 ounces of smoked salmon with whole grain toast which has cream cheese spread on it that has lesser fat.

Foods for Weight Gain

Are you tired of being called the skinniest one in your group of friends? Are you tired of being one of those people who have no proper assets to flaunt? If you are, then it is time that you think about putting on some extra pounds! There could be multiple reasons why you are not able to pout on weight and one of those reasons could be that your are not following a healthy lifestyle. If you are eating healthy and consuming foods which are rich in good fats, then there must be something wrong with your health. In most cases, there are people who tend to consume a lot of food and are lucky not to put on much weight, and then there are others who are trying to lose those extra pounds.

Today, we are not going to stress on foods which is going to help you lose or shed that extra baggage of fat. Instead we are going to help those people out there who are looking for tips on how to gain weight by eating healthy. Just like how you eat and workout to stay healthy and cut down on that extra fat, we have weight tips for those who want to put on weight.

There are a lot of foods which will help you in weight gain. Then again, you need to follow a strict diet where you need to eat the foods which will help you add some fat onto the bones. Here are some of the foods to consume to put on weight.
Take a look:

Dried fruits
One cup of raisins has about 449 calories present in it which is a good source of food to help you put on weight. It is also rich in nutrients and fibre which is good for health. It is surely a good fruit for weight gain.

Almonds are one of the best nuts to consume and add on calories. In one sitting of almonds, you will consume up to 530 calories. So enjoy all types of foods which have lots of almonds in it.

If you want to gain weight quickly, cheese is your only option. Cheese is rich in calories, calcium and potassium which is essentially good to increase weight gain.

Rich in calcium and good for the skin, this is dairy product will help to increase weight. Non skimmed milk is ideally the best for those who want to add on calories.

Peanut butter is rich in calories and is the best food for weight gain. If you are looking forward in increasing your weight, have peanut sandwiches at least for a whole month. This will bring up the number on the weighing scale.

Containing around 150 calories in it, a potato is one such fruit which is not seen on one's plate who is trying to cut down on calories. Potatoes are a rich source of complex carbohydrates which helps to increase weight. Therefore, it is a good food for weight gain.

Around 339 calories are present in this delicious treat. If you are looking to increase your weight, indulge in pasta. It will add to the calories and make you put on weight!

Experts say that if you want to increase your weight, you need to switch from no butter to butter loaded sandwiches. This is the first and simple step you can start at home in trying to increase your weight. Butter is surely good for weight gain.

There are only a handful of fruits which is good for you to consume if you want to increase your weight. Fruits like avocado and banana are two such fruits dieters tend to miss in their daily diet.

The main reason why thin people love to eat eggs is only because the center of the egg (yolk) helps to increase weight rapidly. If you are wondering how to increase weight naturally, eat at least three egg yolks daily.

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