Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Manvantara Theory- Evolution Of Solar System -- I

 Manvantara Theory’s special status for deserving a consideration of the eminent scientists rests on two points:
1. Manvantara Theory is based on the story of creation as given in the Puranas which are among the important Hindu scriptures and to which a presumption of truth attaches for an orthodox Hindu provided the concerned statement is not inconsistent with the Vedas. The Vedas themselves mention a few Manus and they do not say anything to contradict the Manvantara Theory.
2. It has been supported by Aryabhata, the astronomer after proper scrutiny which fact is borne out by the fact that he questioned some of the assumptions regarding the number of catur-yugis in a manvantara and the periods of transition between yugas and manvantaras. Brahmagupta charged his treatise as being smrti-bahya (opposed to the smrti).
The Manvantara Theory of Solar System, thus, finds full support from Aryabhata and what has been postulated or supported by Aryabhata deserves to be examined by the top scientists of the world in deference to his memory and as a courtesy to his great personality. This will be a befitting tribute to him because a great significance and trust-worthiness attaches to the things supported by him. Therefore, though the Manvantara Theory of Evolution, has been shown by me to be having a definite scientific basis, Aryabhata’s support to it must come to us as one of the biggest arguments in favour of its further scrutiny by the scientists for the benefit of the thinking population of the world. And such a scrutiny by the scientists will be in the nature of a homage to the unfading memory of Aryabhata.

Manvantara Theory of Evolution of Solar System is the result of an etymological analysis of the Manvantara names, appearing in the Puranas which are among the important religious scriptures of the Hindus. This analysis has been based by me mainly on the meanings available in Monier William’s Sanskrit-English Dictionary.

The Puranas state that the cycle of creation and dissolution of universe goes on endlessly. The period of creation (the Aeon) has been described in Puranas as the day of Brahma and that of dissolution as the night of Brahma. One day and one night are stated to be of equal duration of 4320 million years each. Brahmanda is the sphere (literally egg) of Brahma and his life span is equal to a hundred years, each year being of 360 days (the days includes night) of 8640 million ordinary years each. This period is equal to only a day of Vishnu who has similarly a full life of 100 years which in turn is equal to a day of Rudra.
It will be noted that Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra are used in the Puranas, also in the sense of cosmic eras and not merely as the names of Mythological Gods.

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