Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Horse and cow meat in Vedas?!!!


A yaga or sacrifice takes shape with the chanting of the mantras, the invoking of the deity and the offering of havis (oblation). The mantras are chanted (orally) and the deity is meditated upon (mentally). The most important material required for homa is the havis offered in the sacrificial fire-- in this "work" the body is involved. So, altogether, in a sacrificial offering mind, speech and body (mano-vak-kaya) are brought together.

Ghee (clarified butter) is an important ingredient of the oblation. While ghee by itself is offered as an oblation, it is also used to purify other sacrificial materials - in fact this is obligatory.

In his Brahmasutra, Vyasa has expounded the nature of the Atman as found expressed in the Upanishads which constitute the jnanakanda of the Vedas. The actual conduct of sacrifices is dealt with in the Purvamimamsa which is the karmakanda of the Vedas. The true purpose of sacrifices is explained in the Uttaramimamsa, that is the jnanakanda. What is this purposse or goal? It is the cleansing of the consciousness and such cleansing is essential to lead a man to the path of jnana.

Horse in the vedas means the 5 senses, the same as in Bhagwad Gita which shows the 5 horses. The real meaning asks us to sacrifice the desires we collect in our day to day life through our five senses.

Why horse? It is an animal that is powerful, agile, impatient, and takes you to places.
why cow? it is the converse of horse. cow is mellow, humble, slow, tamed.

Everything is sacrificed to fire. The claim that horse and cow here meant the animals does not make sense in vedic context because unlike other faiths, vedas do not see animals differently or that they are created to be pawns to be used at the whims and fancies of humans.

Those who have misinterpreted the vedas and claim the cow and horse mentioned here meant the animals and their meat, simply do not understand the concept of the vedas and what actually the sacrificial rituals mean.

There are many indian authors who have translated vedas to local languages and also to english after taking cue from western authors who have their own agenda in pushing cow and horse meat story in the Vedas.

Also, the homam or yagnam is not central to the vedas. Homam/yagnam are rituals for you to have a daily routine. The truth or concepts mentioned in the vedas is not nullified if you do not part take in these physical rituals.

The understanding regarding cow meat and horse meat sacrifice above is the best case scenario that old vedics warned as to why molten lead should be poured in the ears of those people of low intellect who cannot comprehend the vedas, if they attempt to learn the Vedas. The lowliness of men is determined by such spiritual handicaps which is attempted to be masked by pseudo-intellectual polemics.

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