What is OIL BATH????
All of us have Oil bath at some time or the other. But the duration and the method of having bath varies widely around the world. Oil Bath is a very common phenomenon found widely in South India. Oil bath has been a tradition found from ancient times especially as part of Ashtanga tradition. Now with changing patterns, people often have bath without having their head getting wet. Most of the people have bath from head to toe only once in a week and on auspicious festivals like Diwali.
People in south India used to have this once in a week. Apply oil especially sesame oil from head to toe and massage it. Castor oil can also be used .it is manna from heaven for overall skin care. Leave it for 20 minutes. DO SOME MILD EXERCISES FOR LEGS AND HANDS for 15-30 minutes, then have head bath washing with Shikkakai (Acacia concinna) … This procedure helps a lot in opening of skin porous and removal of toxins from the body.
Types of Oil Used for Oil Bath:
There are various types of oils that are being used.
Coconut Oil: This is the main type of oil which has been widely used by most of the people. It is very commonly available in all stores.
Sesame Oil or Castor oil: This is very effective oil which most people use but only occasionally. Few people have it regularly once in a week.
Medicated Oil: In some houses, people prepare medicated oil with coconut oil as base. The ingredients used are curry leaves, henna leaves, hibiscus flowers and leaves. The ingredients are taken, ground to form a paste and then dried in sun. It is then boiled in coconut oil and stored. This can be used regularly.
Health Benefits of having Oil Bath:
Oil removes heat from the body makes it feel cool
It removes the dusty particles present in the skin
It improves the appetite and makes us feel good taste
It improves concentration and helps in having a healthy deep sleep
The hair grows thickly and greying of hair gets delayed
The nerves in the body improve and your body gets rejuvenated
It is highly beneficial for the eyes since it improves vision and removes dusty
particles. It also removes the reddishness colour of the eyes that comes with stress
Reduces blood pressure and helps to keep body healthy
Improved Digestion
The quality of the skin like complexion and colour improves.
If you are infected with cold or fever, do not have oil bath Pregnant people need to consult a physician before taking oil bath It is better to have oil bath in soft water. Hard water removes the benefits from reaching the body.
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