Acceptance Mudra
Hand position
The index finger is folded into the space between thumb and this finger, so that the nail touches the fold. The outer lower corner of the thumb's nail touches the inner lower corner of the pinky finger's nail.Emotional / spiritual use
To overcome sadness or an unnecessary resistance to situations, this mudra can help to get into a mood of acceptance.Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Ahamkara Mudra
Hand position
Bend index fingers slightly and put the upper phalanx of the thumb to the side of the middle phalanx of the index finger, at the upper part. Other fingers are straight.Emotional / spiritual use
Self-confidence and self-assertion.For counteracting fear and timidity.
Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Apan Mudra
Hand position
Join the middle finger and the ring finger with the tip of the thumb; the forefinger and the little finger should be held upright.Physical use
Moves energy to the periphery of the body. This may help with constipation and urinary problems.Emotional / spiritual use
Gives energy and makes one more self-confident.Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Back Pain Mudra
Hand position
Right hand: The thumb, middle and pinky fingers touch. Ring and index finger are extended.Left hand: Put the thumb's upper phalanx over the nail of the index finger.
Physical use
Back pain, and particularly of the lower back, can be a sore feeling. When muscles start cramping, it can become very painful. This mudra helps against this escalation.Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Bhudy Mudra
Hand position
The tips of the pinky finger and thumb touch.Emotional / spiritual use
Improves feeling and intuition.Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Gyan Mudra
Hand position
The tips of the thumb and index finger touch, other fingers are straight but relaxed.Emotional / spiritual use
Stimulates the Root chakra, and grounds.Calms and improves concentration.
Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Hakini Mudra
Hand position
Let the tips of the corresponding fingers of each hand touch.Emotional / spiritual use
People tend to naturally put their fingers in this position while talking. This helps to concentrate.Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Pran Mudra
Hand position
The tips of the pinky and ring finger touch with the tip of the thumb.Emotional / spiritual use
Gives energy.Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Prithvi Mudra
Hand position
The tip of the ring finger and thumb touch.Emotional / spiritual use
Increases energy, and fosters a sense of inner stability and self-assurance.Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Shuni Mudra
Hand position
The tips of the middle finger and thumb touch.Emotional / spiritual use
Helps being aware of the moment, and thereby makes one more patient.Hold the finger positions with both hands, for at least a couple of minutes.
Using Mudras
To use a mudra, keep it for at least a couple of minutes. It is usually more effective to do them a while longer, like 15 minutes or so. You might spread that time over the day, but you could also make it part of meditation.Hold the finger-positions with both hands, at the same time. This will have a more powerful effect than doing a mudra with just one hand.
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